14 Foods Scientifically Proven To Destroy Cancer Cells | Page 2

7. Garlic

The traditional Chinese medicine uses garlic for years. Numerous of its beneficial compounds are released when a complete garlic bulb is divided into cloves. This makes it very potent and powerful.

One of these released compounds is diallyl sulfide, which has been proven to have a strong impact on cancer by a large number of studies.

Diallyl sulfide is considered one of the most oil-soluble sulfur compounds found in garlic.

It helps to inhibit cell proliferation in cell lines. Research discovered that it destroys cancer cells while free radicals were being produced. Moreover, it was shown that this favorable compound has destroyed and deactivated many cells that were dangerous or were subject to free radicals.

Another important compound of garlic is allicin, which in fact gives its smell and flavor.

It is actually one of the world’s most potent antioxidants. Nevertheless, the garlic needs to be decomposed in order to provide this antioxidant.

Powder supplements and garlic oil are created by distilling fresh garlic, and this component is then diluted, which destroys its properties and almost all its amount present in garlic.

8. Turmeric

The popular Indian spice turmeric contains Curcumin, one of the world’s most potent antioxidants. It has been discovered to be extremely beneficial and able to delay formation of metastases by numerous studies.

Curcumin uses anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects by inhibiting tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha).

This indicates its possible effect on endothelial function which may be mediated by the halt of inflammation or oxidative stress through the down-regulation of TNF-alpha.

9. Sea Vegetables

Sea vegetables have dynamic effects on cancer. Some of these include wakame, kelp, arame, hijiki, Nori, and kombu.

All of them are abundant in minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and bio-available iodine.

The interest of scientists for sea vegetables is due to the fact that chronic inflammation and chronic oxidative stress are both risk factors for the developing cancer.

Extensive research has been done on them and it has been discovered that they contain numerous anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.

Sea vegetables may be effective for estrogen-related cancers, particularly breast cancer.

The consumption of sea vegetables was found to modify certain aspects of a woman’s normal menstrual cycle in ways that over long periods of time the total amount of secreted estrogen that is released during the follicular phase of the cycle is lowered.

Moreover, their combination of potent nutrients provides some risk-lowering benefits in the case several types of cancer, including colon cancer.

10. Medicinal Mushrooms

These functional foods have been used for over 5000 years for medicinal and nutritional reasons.

More than 50 species of mushrooms have been found to possess anti-viral and anti-cancer effects through animal and in vitro research.

Namely, six components of mushrooms have been investigated for their activity in human cancers: maitake D-fraction, schizophyllan, active hexose correlated compound (AHCC), the lentinan component of shiitake, and two components of Coriolus versicolor.

Coriolus versicolor has also been recognized as a medicinal mushroom in Chinese medicine under the name yunzhi.

It is a very common polypore mushroom which is found throughout the world and can be in a wide variety of colors.

Polysaccharide-K (PSK), is a protein-bound polysaccharide which is used as a powerful agent able to boost the immune system in the treatment of cancer in some European countries, China and Japan.

In Japan, PSK has been approved as an adjuvant for cancer therapy and is even covered by government health insurance.

Preliminary laboratory assessments in vitro, in vivo and in human clinical trials showed that PSK has a powerful anticancer activity.

Moreover, it was also found to possibly reduce mutagen-induced, radiation-induced, and spontaneously-induced development of experimental cancer cell preparations.

11. Omega 3
Oily fish, fish oil, flax seed oil, hemp oil, (see hemp oil above) and healthy oil blend supplements provide omega 3 fatty acids (and other beneficial fatty acids), which fight inflammation and make the body less hospitable to cancer cells. Vitamin D is also known to kill cancer, and you can find many fish oils and some vegan oil blends with vitamin D in them.

12. Berries
Black raspberries appear to reign supreme, though all berries contain cancer fighting phytonutrients and high amounts of ellagic acid, which inhibit tumor growth.

13. Folate

Egg yolks, avocadoes, apricots, green leafy vegetables, and pumpkin are among the foods rich in folate.

For meat eaters, chicken livers are very high in folate. Studies involving folate or its synthetic form, folic acid, show a significant reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Folate or folic acid is essential for the body to correctly replicate DNA.

14. Nuts
Six cracked brazil nuts will give you your daily selenium; 100 to 200 mcgs is the goal. Selenium is a very potent anti-cancer agent.

Eight slices of wholemeal bread, an organic egg, or a large chicken breast will also be enough. Tuna, onions, broccoli and tomatoes contain selenium too.

One last thing or two! Finally, a few extras:

1. Eat whole foods

2. Take a daily Probiotic

3. Do not touch added sugar - glucose or High Fructose Corn Syrup

4. Avoid mass market cows´ dairy (unpasteurised milk from grass fed cattle does have some advantages, however). Try instead Almond Milk, which is delicious and nourishing


An alkaline, balanced diet with plenty of nutrition, and as few toxins as possible, makes the body inhospitable to cancer. Sugar feeds cancer. Processed and refined foods feed cancer. 

Raw, organic vegetables, especially when grown for maximum nutrient content (as opposed to large scale farming) should be the foundation of any healthy diet. Also recommend that anyone with cancer undergo a full body detox with a supplement regimen specifically designed for your current state of health.