They’re also less likely to carry salmonella.
A new report and scorecard by the Cornucopia Institute ranks 136 egg producers according to 28 organic criteria.
About 25 percent of raw chicken sold in American supermarkets are contaminated with salmonella. To minimize health risks, keep a designated cutting board for meats, and avoid washing your chicken.
When raised the way nature intended, both chickens and their eggs are healthy sources of high-quality nutrients that many are deficient in — especially high-quality protein and healthy fat.
Eggs contain complete proteins, meaning they provide the eight essential amino acids, essential to the building, maintenance and repair of your skin, internal organs, muscles, and more.
They also contain carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for good eyesight, and choline, which is needed for the normal development of memory, as well as betaine, tryptophan and tyrosine, all of which are important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Cholesterol is also important for health, and contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol in eggs will not adversely affect your cholesterol levels.
However, to reap all the benefits chicken and eggs have to offer, it's important to realize that not all chickens and eggs are the same.
It all depends on how they were raised. I strongly advise sticking with free-range organic varieties.
Not only is the nutritional profile of eggs and chickens raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) inferior to their pastured, free-ranging counterparts, they're also far more likely to be contaminated with salmonella.
Organic Egg Scorecard Cuts Through Confusion and Misleading Labels
While there's no way to guarantee 100 percent safety all the time, the benefits of free-range poultry are becoming more well-recognized, and reduced disease risk is definitely part of that benefits package.
As reported by The Guardian, sale of cage-free and organic eggs is on the rise, and five U.S. states now ban caged hens.
Unfortunately, loopholes abound, allowing CAFO-raised chickens and eggs to masquerade as "free-range" and "organic."
Both consumers and corporate customers, such as:
- McDonald's
- Nestle
- General Mills are now demanding egg producers convert to cage-free methods.
They're not raised in cages, but they may still not have access to the outdoors.
So there are still significant differences even between "cage-free" and "free range" (or "pastured") eggs.
With so many loopholes and lack of transparency, it can be very confusing to sort through it all.
Beware: U.S. Rules Allow the Sale of Salmonella-Contaminated Chicken
Surprising as it may seem, it's perfectly legal to sell salmonella-contaminated chicken meat.
The federal salmonella standard allows 7.5 percent of whole chickens tested in the processing plant to be contaminated.
What's more, the standards make no distinction between the more harmless strains of salmonella, and those that are the most dangerous, including drug-resistant strains.
What's more, the standards make no distinction between the more harmless strains of salmonella, and those that are the most dangerous, including drug-resistant strains.
Essentially, the food safety rules include the general assumption that you will handle and cook it properly to kill off any and all harmful bacteria.
However, cross-contamination can easily occur while the raw chicken is prepared, spreading to other foods via contaminated cutting boards, countertops, or utensils, so caution is always recommended when handling raw chicken.
However, cross-contamination can easily occur while the raw chicken is prepared, spreading to other foods via contaminated cutting boards, countertops, or utensils, so caution is always recommended when handling raw chicken.
You can find official guidance on the proper handling and cooking of raw chicken on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Website.
Keeping a designated cutting board for meats and one for other produce is a basic step that will help cut down on the risk of cross contamination.
Keeping a designated cutting board for meats and one for other produce is a basic step that will help cut down on the risk of cross contamination.
Also avoid washing your chicken, as this actually increases your risk of food poisoning by spreading bacteria around your kitchen sink and neighboring surfaces.
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