Signs Of A True Soul-Mate

You may already have an idea of what a Soul-Mate is supposed to be like and you may long for the moment that you finally meet yours. If you are in a Soul-Mate relationship, this is something that you never will question.

You will never wonder if they are your Soul-Mate or not, because your soul is content.

A lot of people ask "When will I meet my Soul-Mate?" or "Is my partner my Soul-Mate" or " Is my ex my Soul-Mate because I can't get them out of my mind" ...and questions similar, and so I wanted to help you all understand, when a relationship is right for you and when it could be wrong...

So firstly, what is the definition of a Soul-Mate?

Without a doubt, this is a relationship that will change your life.

A very deep soul attraction, an instant "Knowing" of your fate, an uplifting of spirit and a surge of energy from within.

Both people, in this relationship feel the same!

This is important, because if this is not true, you have found a "Karmic relationship" which is completely different.

A Soul-Mate will generally be on the same path as you, meaning, they have the same desires as you in regards to their needs and wants and even their goals are similar.

A Soul-Mate may be a person whom you feel instantly comfortable with.
  • You do not feel threatened in any way. 
  • You want to spend time with each other. 
  • You are both willing to grow and learn spiritual things together. 
  • You  have a deep respect for every part of the other...

A Soul-Mate can be same sex, or even a best friend or relative.

You may never have a physical relationship with them, but the love and depth of connection between you, will last a lifetime.

Even family members can be a Soul-Mate, and this happens a lot because you all chose to incarnate into the same family, thus it is only natural that you have known this person in the past.

Possibly more than once! This is a real connection, and you are lucky if you have this.

It does not mean that your Soul-Mate is perfect. Sometimes Soul-Mates do split up because of how powerful the feeling is between them.

This can be overwhelming for someone who is not ready to embrace the full impact of  love.

Also, there still may be timing or emotional issues that hold you apart.

This may not be your only Soul-Mate. Oh yes,there are actually many that can enter your life!

Again, you may have been through a period of being alone, and suddenly you are met face to face with your life partner or you may be dreaming of a person to make you feel special and happy.

This is great, as long as you are also happy with yourself how you are, and are wanting a partner to "Merge" with you, that is to blend together...not looking for someone to "complete" you.

So where you are right now in your life on all levels, will reflect in the partner that you choose.

Signs of a True Soul-Mate:
  • Instant magnetism, that you BOTH share
  • Explainable feeling of connection that is very deep right from the start
  • A calm atmosphere and inner calm
  • There is instant trust
  • There is instant lifting of spirit
  • There is no nervousness
  • There are no judgments
  • There is patience and encouragement
  • There is a shoulder to cry on
  • You are never made to feel bad or lower than them
  • There is great equality
  • You think very much alike
  • Sex is optional, never forced or expected
  • There is gentleness towards each other
  • This person will also be your best friend
  • Will never restrict you
  • Loves you for YOU not just your physical appearance
Of course there are variations, but this should always be a loving and gentle experience

There are all types of Soul-Mates in relationships.

For example, you may meet someone who you have a strong connection with and you have a very happy life together for the first year or so..then things may slowly turn sour.

You may have "let down your guard" and start taking advantage of the other or feel you are being taken advantage of. You may want different things now.

You may have children and see a side to the other that is not as you had hoped or you simply may have outgrown each other, and thus decided to separate.

This is still a relevant and important part of your journey, and one which leads you to an even stronger Soul-Mate relationship.

Obviously an ideal Soul-Mate relationship, will become your life partner. This can only work, if love and compassion are at the center of everything.

There will be little habits that stay with your partner, but these are easy to deal with.

But no relationship is always simple and easy. This will always require equal effort and spiritual consciousness with the end peaceful result always in mind.

Here are some signs of NOT being in a soul-mate relationship:
  • You have a partner and so do they-( this is an attraction-nothing more!)
  • Your relationship is abusive( Translates to fear not love)
  • There is no equality-( Your needs do not matter)
  • It is only physical-(You only feel appreciated physically)
  • No commitment-(I love you but.....)
  • There is jealousy-(Mind games-or purposely flirting to upset you)
  • Anger-( always walking on eggshells)
  • Resentment-(You did everything for them in the beginning -this was never appreciated)
  • Selfishness-(Its all about them)
  • You are suspicious of lies-(You check their phone/emails when they are not around
  • You/ they have cheated-( This is an ultimate betrayal-period!)
  • No spiritual growth to handle problems calmly
  • Treating friends like they should treat you (you are a trophy)
  • Zero tolerances for children/animals ( does not want responsibility)
Of course this list can go on and I hope you understand the idea.

One thing is for sure, if you have the strongest attraction to someone and you know they are all wrong for you, yet you can't help visualizing yourself happy with them. It is one of the most confusing things in your life to come out of.

You may have been guilty of driving past your ex's house after the break up. Asking friends to give you information.

Or even caused trouble for them, trying to crush them like they have crushed you.

You can't understand how you could have fallen for all the stories, and trusted someone again!

Far too many people have never recovered from a "Karmic Relationship" because they thought that despite all the drama, this person was their Soul-Mate, so naturally that means they are always going to be "the one".

This is such a waste of ones enjoyment in life!

But when you have a real Soul-Mate, all of these things are never an issue.

Not everyone is interested in finding a great love...this is fine also!

But I have to say, that there is nothing more wonderful than waking up every day knowing that the person beside you adores you on every level, and you also feel the same.

Each day the love deepens, and has new angles.

I see love as very dimensional, and so sometimes we get the flat side of love.

Sometimes the curved side or the top..but when you have the whole entirety, it makes you so thankful for the choices you have made.

Everything including all the breakups, all the hurt, because if it led you to this person, it was worth walking to the ends of the earth for.

In closing, everyone is able to find the love relationship that is suitable for them.

The relationships you have had thus far, are only a small part of the big scheme of things.

If you are in a bad situation, it is easy to say to yourself ;

"All this is true for other people but I know that my partner loves me and will eventually treat me right"

Being treated with love and affection should never be something you have to earn from your partner.

You are not their possession, and have a right to live peacefully and equally in harmony with each other.

There certainly is at least one Soul-Mate for each individual.

If you have a longing for the right partner, become that partner!
  1. Let go of outdated beliefs, wipe the slate clean, and most of all expect the best to happen!
  2. Treat others how you would like to be treated, meditate just a couple of minutes a day!
  3. It is foolish to wait for someone to whisk you away from your troubles and misery. Learn to pull yourself away from this!
  4. Raise your standards and keep away from negative people and views.
  5. Most of all be gentle to yourself! There may be times that are particularly tough, and you almost give up trying.
It is at these moments, that you will experience true bliss and peace. This relief will spur you right back into action!!

When you are truly ready to be with the right person and you believe that you are certain what this entails, as well as being certain of what you don't want from love, then it will happen.

In closing, everyone is able to find the love relationship that is suitable for them.

The relationships you have had thus far, are only a small part of the big scheme of things.

If you are in a bad situation, it is easy to say to yourself -

"All this is true for other people but I know that my partner loves me and will eventually treat me right".

Being treated with love and affection should never be something you have to earn from your partner.

You are not their possession, and have a right to live peacefully and equally in harmony with each other.

There certainly is at least one Soul-Mate for each individual.

I hope that you have enjoyed the message here, and through this, you gain some confidence and believe that you are worth loving and certainly deserve to have your highest dreams, come true...

With many abundant blessings.

Soul Mates written by B. Divine

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